"I just know that if you want to write and don't because you don't feel wothy enough or able enough, NOT writing will eventually begin to erase who you are." Louise De Salvo, Writing As a Way of Healing

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Inspiration From A Tomato

            Ok, not a real tomato.  Bob the Tomato, as in, the Veggie Tales Bob the Tomato. 
My eleven year old son used to love the Veggie Tale videos.  Sadly, all little boys grow up, and it has been years since we have watched those shows.  So, why is it that all week I've been hearing a soft animated voice in my head repeating, "God made you special and He loves you very much"?
Not every random thought, no matter how pleasant or how irritating, has to have a hidden meaning, but after several days of this mantra playing over and over, I stopped to analyze the personal significance. 
I decided that it was a subconscious longing for my son’s toddlerhood days.
Hmm, no, it must stem from my vast list of insecurities, “I’m not good enough,” “worthy enough,” “pretty enough,” and the list goes on and on. 
Nope that’s not it. 
Honestly, I think God just wanted me to know that the creator of the universe thinks I am pretty special (ME!  Ronnell Kay Gibson!) AND Jesus, God’s son, loves me soo much (so much that thousands of years before I was born, He died on the cross for my sins)! 
Thank you, Bob (and Larry) for reminding me just how important I am, over and over.  And, thank you, that it’s not “Oooh, where is my hairbrush?” playing in my head!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


  I DID IT!!  I am finally a "blogger"!  Though I have been meaning to do it for quite some time, I kept putting it off?  Why?  Why does anyone procastinate?  The job is too difficult (scrubbing burnt pizza cheese out of the oven ), icky (scooping out wet & muddy leaves out of the gutters), time consuming (sorting/filing a months worth of receipts, homework assignments, and unread magazines). 
  However, my hesitation into the world of blogs doesn't fall under any of those categories.  Just one word...fear.  Fear that I had nothing clever to say, nothing worth while to offer the cyber world, and maybe even a little fear of rejection.  How many times have we missed out on something because we were afraid?  We're intimated so we don't introduce ourselves to the new girl, we are anixious about looking silly so we don't try that exercise class, or we feel too spiritually inadequate to pray out loud for a hurting friend.   More importantly, we will never know what great things God had in store for us that we missed out on because were too timid to follow His quiet prompting in our spirit. 
  God is doing an incredible work in His people, and I am excited to be one of them!  I invite you to join me as we discover God's will for our lives and follow His plan in faith and confidence. 
  Happy Blogging, Everyone!!