"I just know that if you want to write and don't because you don't feel wothy enough or able enough, NOT writing will eventually begin to erase who you are." Louise De Salvo, Writing As a Way of Healing

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Inspiring the Writing Hand

Like many writers, I glean inspiration from a variety of different places, sights and sounds.  However, I have found my greatest source of inspiration while I worship the Lord. 

A few weeks after I had started writing my first novel (consistently, that is), I experienced this God-breathed inspiration for the first time.  There I was, standing with my arms stretched out in praise, thanking the Lord for who He is and what He was doing in my life, and then bam!  I got a flash of the ending of my book - the epilogue.  Not just a fleeting thought, like "oops, I forgot to put the clothes in the dryer," but a mental image of an entire scene.  It played out like a movie in my mind, along with the emotions of the moment stirring in my soul.  I was so taken aback that I literally stopped mid song and put my hands down for a moment.  That scene became the driving force for my entire novel.  Look, I still get goosebumps every time I talk about it!

The second time I was a little more prepared.  Again, I was worshipping on a Sunday morning, and I saw a glimpse of a character.  I had barely given this kid a name yet and now, instantly, he had a personality, a history and a destiny.

It shouldn't have surprised me (or continue to), after all, we are closest to our Heavenly Father when we spend time worshipping Him.  And, as we draw near to Him, He directs our steps, our will and, yes, our stories. 

I wish it happened every time I worship or pray - I'd have no need of those intense character sketches and plot point outlines.  But I have learned, the more I commit to Him, the more He inspires my writing hand.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

The Foulest Four Letter Word

FEAR.  It is the nastest word, not in our vocabulary, but in our minds. 

Fear is truly crippling.  Whether it be fear of the known (spiders?) or the unknown (monsters in the dark?).  Whether it be fear of failure, rejection, or getting hurt.  All of these keep us from trying new things, meeting new people, experiencing life to the fullest.  I know - I am an expert on fear. 

Fear is what kept me from taking that first step on my writing journey.  Of course, I didn't realize that at the time.  My life was busy, I didn't have time to write.  Every evening there would be some excuse (sometimes even valid) as to why tonight I just couldn't muster up energy to work on my novel.  The weeks quickly turned into months - with no more than a few paragraphs roughly thrown together. 

Then God gave me a wake up call.  I remembering hearing/reading "Not doing what God has called you to do is disobedience!"  It pierced my heart, because I realized it wasn't homeschooling my two kids or my husband's crazy work schedule or the eight piles of laundry that needed folding that kept me from my calling, it was fear.

The "what if's" that subconsciously played in my mind were endless.  What if the words didn't come?  Or worse, what if they did come and they weren't any good?  What if no one wanted it to read it?  Or the ultimate rejection, what if they read it and hated it...What if I am wasting my time.  (If I don't try, I can't fail).

Fear is not trusting God.  God had called me to this, He would enable and equip me as long as I was faithful in doing my part. 

The next few weeks, I committed to write everynight.  No matter how tired I was or how many dishes were stacked in the sink, I sat down and worked.  Within a couple of weeks, I had the first draft of my first manuscript typed out (over 50,000 words and 118 pages).  It was amazing how God had honored my faithfulness!

Since then, I wish I could say that I have learned my lesson, but I find that I have to be reminded (daily), of the promise of Psalm 118:6, "the Lord is on my side, I will not fear. What can man do to me?"

Monday, March 5, 2012

And so it began...my writer's journey

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

Well, I guess it's not THAT long ago, but to me it does feel like another lifetime - the day when God first called me to write. 

Previously, I had fun writing stories in high school and college, making up little skits and picture books for my kids when they were small.  But, I never dreamed of becoming a writer.  A travel agent, a teacher, a film editor, a wife and mother, but never a writer. 

It was as I sat in a church pew five years ago, listening to our associate pastor speak on "using your talents for God", that I felt the Holy Spirit stirring my soul.  As I silently surrendered my life, my will and my talents, I knew that I was SUPPOSED to write.  Write a novel for teens that would glorify God.  The feeling was so intense, tears streamed my face as I promised the Lord that with His help, guidance and direction I would. 

I wish I could tell you that since that time I have written that novel (along with three others), however, that's not the case.  Doubt crept in.  Distractions overtook me.  Fear derailed me.  Each time, God was patient and lovingly brought me back to Him and His purpose for me.

I realize that though it started five years ago, its not too late to start scribing my writing journey.  All my success and my failures along the way.  The times God gently steered me in one direction or powerfully convicted me to go another direction.  My path will be nothing like someone else's, yet as writers all struggle with the same things. 

I hope you stay tuned...