Hello, fellow writers!
Lately, I have been having a hard time staying focused on writing and with summer vacation upon us it's only going to get worse. While venting to a friend, I thought of a creative way to accomplish my writing goals...the SUMMER WRITING CHALLENGE.
Similar to Seinfeld's "Don't Break the Chain Calendar" (everytime he wrote he would X off that day - the goal being to never break the chain of Xs), I decided to put together my own calendar of assignments in order to try to write a little everyday (I should be doing anyways, but am not - too easily distracted, sometimes my own fault, sometimes circumstances beyond my control) thus having my own string of Xs.
Most days assignments can be done in short periods of time, sitting in the doctors office, watching the kids on the playground/pool/beach, or even in those fifteen minutes before supper is done. Nothing too heavy, strenuous, or overly challenging. Just enough to keep the creative juices flowing and our fingers and minds active.
The rules are simple. Finish a day then cross it off. Do one assignment each day, or several all at once. Skip ahead, go back. The goal is to have every box Xed off by the end of August.
So, who is ready to join me??
Click on link to view the calendar
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