"I just know that if you want to write and don't because you don't feel wothy enough or able enough, NOT writing will eventually begin to erase who you are." Louise De Salvo, Writing As a Way of Healing

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Its Time To Visit The Beach

Christmas is less than three weeks away and here in Wisconsin the winter temperatures are now upon us!  It's just for these reasons that I challenge you to think about getting back the beach.  Not a literal beach, but the simplicity of beach-living.

These ideas aren't mine.  I am quoting (at times paraphrasing) "Gifts From the Sea" by Anne Morrow Lindbergh (the wife of Charles Lindberg and fiction and poetry writer), and the message from this book is very timely and appropriate. 

Drawing from inspiration from the shells on the shore during a brief vacation by the sea, Anne writes...

1")Physical shedding is first, obviously you'll need less clothes rather than more.  One does not need a closet-full only a small suitcase full.  And what a relief it is.  Taking up and down hems, less mending and best of all, less worry about what to wear.  One finds one is shedding not only clothes - but vanity.

2)Next, shelter.  Here I live in a bare sea-shell of a cottage.  No heat, no telephone, no gadgets to go wrong.  I find I don't bustle about with unnecessary sweeping and cleaning here.  I am no longer aware of the dust.   I have shed my "Martha-like" anxiety about many things. Washable slipcovers, faded and old - I hardly see them, I don't worry about the impression I make on other people. I am shedding pride.

3)I need very little furniture.  I shall ask into my shell only those friends with whom I can be completely honest.  I find I am shedding hypocrisy in human relationships.  The most exhausting thing in life is being insincere.  That is why so much of social life is exhausting, one is wearing a mask.  I have shed my mask.

I remember that today more of us in America have the luxury of choice between simplicity and complication of life.  And for the most part, we choose complication...

...I love my sea-shell house.  I wish I could transport it home. It will not hold husbad, children and the necessities and trappings of daily life.  I can only carry back my shell.  It will sit on my desk, to remind me of the ideal of a simplified life, to encourage me in the game I played on the beach - to ask how little, not how much, can I get along with.  To ask - is it necessary? - when I am tempted to add one more accumulation to my life, when I am pulled toward one more centrifugal activity."

I encourage all of you to read the reast of Anne's wisdom and thoughts in her book, "Gifts from the Sea" and ask yourselves daily "is it necessary?"  "Is this new outfit really necessary?"  "Is this obligation necessary?" etc., then listen to the Holy Spirit's prompting.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Who's Dreams Are Your Dreams?

I recently attended the Indianapolis Christian Writers Conference.  This wasn't my first conference, so I was prepared to digest a lot of meaty knowledge.  Previously, I had choked on the vast amount of information presented, and I vowed to take small bites, chew thoroughly, and swallow appropriately. I wasn't prepared for what was put on the table this time.

The keynote speakers were Todd Burpo (a pastor and author of "Heaven Is For Real") and Angela Hunt (novelist and speaker).  Angela Hunt said of her extensive career in writing, "I never dreamed of being a writer. I just walked obediently through every door that God opened for me."  She went on to challenge us, "how dare WE have a dream."  We should be pursing God's will on a daily basis - only that will lead us to His ultimate plan for our lives."

(Casey Butler, Angela Hunt & myself)
Todd Burpo was just the opposite.  He was a preacher, not a writer and had no intentions of writing a book about his son's experiences (for those of you who haven't read the book - after recovering after a ruptured appendix Colton Burpo, then age 4, begins to share specific details about his time spent in heaven with Jesus).  Todd didn't want to write the book.  But after much encouragement, he prayed that if God wanted this book to be made, that He would bring the publisher.  Within days, a publisher called the Burpo house to ask about doing a book.  Todd is working on a screenplay for the movie version - another fleece he put before the Lord and the Lord answered.  

We all have dreams and aspirations.  Some of them God-given, some of our own choosing.  I challenge you today to give those back to God.  Be faithful TODAY to do His will and be amazed at where God takes you - beyond anything that YOU could ever dream!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 1 of the Summer Writing Challenge

JUNE 1st -  "Write out your summer writing goals and share them with a writing friend."


Hello, fellow writers!
   Lately, I have been having a hard time staying focused on writing and with summer vacation upon us it's only going to get worse.  While venting to a friend, I thought of a creative way to accomplish my writing goals...the SUMMER WRITING CHALLENGE
   Similar to Seinfeld's "Don't Break the Chain Calendar" (everytime he wrote he would X off that day - the goal being to never break the chain of Xs), I decided to put together my own calendar of assignments in order to try to write a little everyday (I should be doing anyways, but am not - too easily distracted, sometimes my own fault, sometimes circumstances beyond my control) thus having my own string of Xs.   
   Most days assignments can be done in short periods of time, sitting in the doctors office, watching the kids on the playground/pool/beach, or even in those fifteen minutes before supper is done.  Nothing too heavy, strenuous, or overly challenging.  Just enough to keep the creative juices flowing and our fingers and minds active. 
   The rules are simple.  Finish a day then cross it off.  Do one assignment each day, or several all at once.  Skip ahead, go back.  The goal is to have every box Xed off by the end of August.

   So, who is ready to join me??

Click on link to view the calendar

Monday, March 28, 2011

Worry implies that we don't quite trust that God is big enough, powerful enough, or loving enough to take care of what's happening in our lives.

Stress says that the things we are involve in are important enough to merit our impatience, our lack of grace towrds others, or our tight grip of control.
                                                                                          from Crazy Love, Frances Chan

Lord, may I trust you enough NOT to worry about what you have already taken care of, and may I acknowledge that YOU are more important than the details of my life.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

I have a writer's memory, which makes everything worse than maybe it actually was."  Amy Tan.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

A Neglected Blog, A Faithful Friend

As I went to check my blog page, I realized I haven't blogged in almost two months!  I didn't mean for that to happen.  I started off strong, had lots of good intentions.  But sadly, like many things, I got busy with life.  Hauling two kids to and from doctors appointments/sports activities, shopping and planning for the holidays, working, writing and trying to squeeze enough out of the day to get some housework done (I confess, its never very high on my priority list).

We have a tendency to do that with our relationships as well.  We start off strong, investing a lot of time and energy.  Then, something happens where we don't talk for a week, maybe a sickness or a vacation.  That one week turns into two.  We get so caught up in our own lives that its months before we realize we haven't heard from this friend, or made an effort to contact them ourselves.  Some relationships can stand the test of time, picking up months or years later right where you left off, but many do not.  We can all think of friendships that died of neglect.

There is one friendship that will never die no matter how long its been since we lasted talked.  He is always eagerly awaiting with outstreched arms.  He is never hurt or bitter or judgemental.  But he does long for our attention.  Jesus, our creator, wants to have that relationship with us.  Not just a casual "hi, how're you today," relationship.  He wants to hear about our day, our joys and our fears.  That's all prayer is, talking with an intimate friend.  Don't let another day go by before you contact your friend, Jesus, after all He has been waiting for you all your life.

And by the way, go call that friend you haven't heard from in a while and rekindle that friendship!