"I just know that if you want to write and don't because you don't feel wothy enough or able enough, NOT writing will eventually begin to erase who you are." Louise De Salvo, Writing As a Way of Healing

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Who's Dreams Are Your Dreams?

I recently attended the Indianapolis Christian Writers Conference.  This wasn't my first conference, so I was prepared to digest a lot of meaty knowledge.  Previously, I had choked on the vast amount of information presented, and I vowed to take small bites, chew thoroughly, and swallow appropriately. I wasn't prepared for what was put on the table this time.

The keynote speakers were Todd Burpo (a pastor and author of "Heaven Is For Real") and Angela Hunt (novelist and speaker).  Angela Hunt said of her extensive career in writing, "I never dreamed of being a writer. I just walked obediently through every door that God opened for me."  She went on to challenge us, "how dare WE have a dream."  We should be pursing God's will on a daily basis - only that will lead us to His ultimate plan for our lives."

(Casey Butler, Angela Hunt & myself)
Todd Burpo was just the opposite.  He was a preacher, not a writer and had no intentions of writing a book about his son's experiences (for those of you who haven't read the book - after recovering after a ruptured appendix Colton Burpo, then age 4, begins to share specific details about his time spent in heaven with Jesus).  Todd didn't want to write the book.  But after much encouragement, he prayed that if God wanted this book to be made, that He would bring the publisher.  Within days, a publisher called the Burpo house to ask about doing a book.  Todd is working on a screenplay for the movie version - another fleece he put before the Lord and the Lord answered.  

We all have dreams and aspirations.  Some of them God-given, some of our own choosing.  I challenge you today to give those back to God.  Be faithful TODAY to do His will and be amazed at where God takes you - beyond anything that YOU could ever dream!