"I just know that if you want to write and don't because you don't feel wothy enough or able enough, NOT writing will eventually begin to erase who you are." Louise De Salvo, Writing As a Way of Healing

Friday, August 3, 2012

My Favorite Tweets

As you can see from my last post, I am a converted Twitter junkie. Ok, junkie is kinda harsh. But I do love to go on every evening (while the family is watching Cupcake Wars or -just recently- American Ninja Warriors), and check to see what you all have been up to. I skim through where you've been and what you've done, who just signed a contract or has a new book coming out. If I think it might speak to me, I'll read your blog posts, or the ones you have recommended. And because you all are amazing, most of the time its worth the extra effort. Someday, when I finally get my Amazon Fire (Santa missed me last year, but I am stepping up the campaigning efforts early so that doesn't happen again), I plan to download all the free books you have made available. Thanks!

However, my absolute favorite tweets are the inspirational quotes, whether on writing like Martina Boone @4YALit wrote:  Just as we must dance as if no one is watching, we must write as if no one is reading. — Robin LeFevers
or about living our Christian lives. Michael Minot @MichaelMinotBeing too busy, even if for kingdom purposes, can be detrimental to your level of intimacy with God.

Those are the ones that will most likely get my "retweet" stamp of approval. I need, I crave that encouragement.

I struggle daily with wanting to be a serious writer, but not seriously writing. I struggle everyday with being a good mom, being an involved parent vs. giving my teenager and preteen more space to explore and become. But mostly, I struggle with how God wants me to live my life. My flesh wars over what I should do and what I do do.  I can relate to Romans 7:14 that says "for I do not do what I want, but I do the very thing I hate." I have it highlighted and underlined in my Bible. Just sitting here writing this blog post means that the dishes aren't getting the done, the laundry didn't switched and the kids are off doing their own thing in their only slightly unorganized rooms.

Every time I start get too hard on myself, I read through your quotes, words that have inspired you. It ministers to me. 

So, I share with you what Paul writes in Romans 8:1, Paul writes, "There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus. For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has set you free form the law of sin and death." Jesus had paid the price for our sin and has freed us from that struggle. Our responsibility is to just live in Him (His Spirit). 

The dishes will get done later, the novel eventually.

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