"I just know that if you want to write and don't because you don't feel wothy enough or able enough, NOT writing will eventually begin to erase who you are." Louise De Salvo, Writing As a Way of Healing

Monday, March 5, 2012

And so it began...my writer's journey

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...

Well, I guess it's not THAT long ago, but to me it does feel like another lifetime - the day when God first called me to write. 

Previously, I had fun writing stories in high school and college, making up little skits and picture books for my kids when they were small.  But, I never dreamed of becoming a writer.  A travel agent, a teacher, a film editor, a wife and mother, but never a writer. 

It was as I sat in a church pew five years ago, listening to our associate pastor speak on "using your talents for God", that I felt the Holy Spirit stirring my soul.  As I silently surrendered my life, my will and my talents, I knew that I was SUPPOSED to write.  Write a novel for teens that would glorify God.  The feeling was so intense, tears streamed my face as I promised the Lord that with His help, guidance and direction I would. 

I wish I could tell you that since that time I have written that novel (along with three others), however, that's not the case.  Doubt crept in.  Distractions overtook me.  Fear derailed me.  Each time, God was patient and lovingly brought me back to Him and His purpose for me.

I realize that though it started five years ago, its not too late to start scribing my writing journey.  All my success and my failures along the way.  The times God gently steered me in one direction or powerfully convicted me to go another direction.  My path will be nothing like someone else's, yet as writers all struggle with the same things. 

I hope you stay tuned...

1 comment:

  1. Praise God for His unfailing patience with us! He will be faithful to complete what He has begun in you, Ronnell--in HIS time. MY plan was to have my first novel published by the time I turned 25. Four kids and seventeen years later, God brought that dream into reality--in the same year I found out I was going to become a grandma! Keep writing and it will happen. And thank you for what you are doing to support others with a passion for writing. I thoroughly enjoyed the writers' workshop. Thank you for all your work and planning.
